Hardwood Coasters

Hardwood Coasters


Laminated hardwood round coasters using American and African hardwoods: maple, walnut, mahogany, cherry, Purple Heart, wenge, zebra, and padauk,

Each coaster is treated with custom formulated wood oil to protect the wood.

The bottom of each coaster is then branded with the Coastal Handmade Co. logo and four cork rounds are applied to the bottom to protect surface contact.

Size: 4” diameter, 1/4” thick

Every hardwood coaster is handmade using a variety of American and African hardwoods. The final finish is a oil/wax polish which leaves an organic look and protects the product from water and food stains. 



Available Wood Species:

Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, Paduak, Purple Heart, Walnut, Wenge, and Zebra.

Building Each Coaster:

Each coaster is bonded together with high strength exterior use glue.  Once clued together the coasters are then individually cut to the proper diameter and thickness. Afterwards the sides are hand rounded and sanded for a smooth pleasing feel.

Finishing Each Coaster:

The bottom of each coaster is professionally branded with the company logo to make a bold statement of its authenticity and originality.

Lastly, four protective cork rounds are added to the bottom of each coaster to protect the surface in which it is placed.

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